Electrical Engineering for Non-Engineers: interactive Blended Learning Program for the first time in Hungary
For the first time in Hungary, an Electrical Engineering for Non-Engineers interactive Blended Learning Program was developed by Innotica Group, a leading e-learning and knowledge management provider of CEE, in cooperation with the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association, the largest national public utility organization.
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Contemporary Art and Innovation: Innotica Group launches their Innovation in Art Series
Kitti Gosztola, nominee of the prestigious Essl Art Award, is the first artist to exhibit her Labours of the Months cycle at Innotica Group's Budapest offices. The Innovation in Art Series support young talents exhibiting their work, and also aims to stimulate inspiring dialogues between corporate managers and contemporary visual artists in the spirit of innovation and creativity.
Read more and download the full-text press relase!Labour Code for Managers: interactive Blended Learning Program for the first time in Hungary
For the first time in Hungary, a Labour Code for Managers Blended Learning Program was developed by Innotica Group, a leading e-learning and knowledge management provider of CEE, in cooperation with bpv │ JÁDI NÉMETH Attorneys at Law, an international law firm providing premium legal services.
Innovative eLearning: A Key Driver of Revenue Growth and Cost Reduction
In the years of the global financial crisis, companies tend to allocate an increased focus to cost-cutting opportunities, as replacing expensive classroom trainings with cost-efficient eLearning program. Experts have also different opinions about the key added values of eLearning Programs, or whether they will be able to replace trainings, or not. We should not under or overestimate the role of eLearning, says Dr. Zoltán Csedő, General Manager of Innotica Group, a leading provider of innovative Learning, Technology, Consulting and Outsourcing solutions in Central and Eastern Europe. Within the training portfolio of a company, he adds, there should be room for eLearning and ‘traditional’ classroom training at the same time. One should not substitute the other, but complement it.
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Wirtschaft in Ungarn
Lernen mit Hilfe von digitalen Medien hält zunehmend auch in der Geschäftswelt Einzug. Dank der E-Lösungen können Mitarbeiter ortsunabhängig unterrichtet werden. Während fertige off-the-shelf-Lösungen allgemeines Basiswissen vermitteln, erfüllen maßgeschneiderte Programme besser die strategischen Ziele eines Unternehmens. In diesem Fall können Firmen die Extraanfertigungen sogar mit der Innovationsabgabe verrechnen.
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